Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Time to get Organized and Clean House!

I guess I thought that after the summer was over and two of my children were attending school, there would suddenly be more time in my day to clean house uninterrupted. I underestimated the time and needs of my 2 year old when the other children are away. So, now school has been back in session for over four weeks, and I have realized that I need a schedule to follow if this is going to work. I have done some digging on the internet (because surely I am not the first person to come up with this idea, right ?) and found a few pre-made checklists. My big yearly goal is to get this house organized - sound familiar? Using a list seems like a pretty organized way to start. I am not really much of a list person, but I will give this a whirl anyway! Real Simple has some pretty good lists to make sure that you get everything clean. Here's one for the bedroom and living areas. They have other lists on their site as well, and some really interesting information about cleaning products made from what you already have in your home. Mostly I am not looking for detailed lists; I just need a list to make sure that every room is touched in a two week period of time. I have decided to use catch phrases to help me to remember all week what rooms to focus on. Weeks 1 & 3 is "Floor and Decor" so I remember to dust and sweep and mop the main parts of the house. Weeks 2 & 4 are "Bed, Bath and Beyond." I clean the bedrooms and bathrooms thoroughly on those weeks. Ok, ok, I didn't invent the catch phrases, but I have found a new way to use them! Here's a form that I found that I can incorporate my catch phrase schedule into. Since it is a pdf file, I cannot change it, but I am glad to use this as a start. Maybe when the house is clean, I will have time to customize my own list!